How do you teach your children good habits?

Children follow your footsteps, not your words.

You have many dreams about your children. You want them to have many skills. Let them be sporty, read a lot of books, be interested in art, play a musical instrument, be well-groomed, etc. Of course, you don’t neglect to give your children plenty of advice to have these qualities. Read more books, play sports, paint, play the piano, comb your hair, tidy your room, etc.

But these words are flying in the air.

But why are these words not effective on your children?

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The answer is quite simple.

Children follow your footsteps, not your words. Your children adopt you as a role model. They tend to do what you do.

If you spend time with a cell phone instead of reading a book, your child will want to spend time with on the cell phone just like you.

However, a child who sees her/his parents regularly reading books gains the habit of reading more easily. Because children tend to imitate their parents.

Gaining a habit takes time.

Habits are formed by repeating certain behaviors at regular intervals. In order for your children to make an activity a habit, they should repeat it regularly. Encourage your child to learn new habits.

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 It takes effort and time to gain habit.  You can support them. It can be a little difficult for her/him to do a behavior or start an activity before she/he gets used to it. Try to understand your children. Over time, your child will be successful in getting into the habit. This success will also help your child continue this behavior or activity.

You can take note of your behaviors and activities in a calendar planner. Make the behavior regularly and try not to break the chain.

You can collect tiny stones from the beach with your child. For every behavior or activity that happens, you can paint a stone and put it in an empty jar. When the jar is full, the habit is also acquired.

You can consult experts and use scientific resources to help your child gain a habit.

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How about being an a role model for your children?

Playing sports, reading books, washing your teeth, learning to play a musical instrument, etc.

Let’s leave beautiful footprints for our children.

They will walk their own way anyway. Let’s help them take their first steps. Let’s help them set up the basis. Let’s strengthen the roots of their trees.

This journey will be very good for both you and your children.

Key Learnings

Children follow your footsteps, not your words.


Be a role model.

You should repeat an activity regularly to make it a habit.


Don’t just say it, you do too.

Gaining a habit takes time.

Don’t judge. Support your children.

Take a look

Check out the link below for a calendar planner where you can take note of your behaviors and activities to gain a habit.

This monthly planner will help you organize your monthly tasks.

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